brennan mccord

con·fi·dent ~ sure of oneself

Last week I was sitting with a friend just back from a Brandi Carlile concert. I pulled up my instagram to show her something….and said friend goes, WAIT, IS THAT BRENNAN MCCORD? (the random pic at the top of my feed). Brennan being a person I worked with over a decade ago, that said friend had just seen at the concert. When I tell you these two friends come from COMPLETELY different parts of my life, it’s really quite remarkable this all coincided. I had also just randomly reconnected with Brennan a month prior so this is what we call SERENDIPITY. And when the universe via the insta gods control us, we listen. 

SO when BRENNAN MCCORD (officially now Hagale) and I hop on our facetime she was changing her 4-month-old’s diaper. Unfrazzled, she said, “P- I need to call you right back, have a poopy diaper situation.” Now this is truly rich if you know Brennan. Because while the word BADASS is extremely overused she is most def an OG BADASS.  Division 1 College Soccer Player, licensed motorcycle rider, and Colorado raised, fierce feminist.

Back in our ABC NEWS days, she was Chris Cuomo’s assistant -- yes CUOMO, little bro of the big bro’s shit storm this week (for the record we both have a lotta love for Chris). Much like her diaper situation, Brennan always has had this cool, I got this mentality. They call this CONFIDENCE.  Always unabashedly owning her spunk + smarts. She excelled when thrown into the fire of any live or breaking news situation. Which is why she quickly became a live producer.

She’s the first pick to have a night out with and simultaneously the first one to get things done-RIGHT. I was immediately reminded why we bonded so quickly years ago, when she’d pop into my office and we’d talk about important things like who we would have at our ultimate dinner party.  She fires off so much between news, politics, entertainment -- all with this exceptional wit. I bill her top 3 of people I know, that just GET IT and excellent sarcasm.

Brennan, had she chosen, would likely be running the show at ABC in some form. But true to her, she’s continued to be unafraid to pull the trigger on whatever slice of life she wants next. She went on to work with ATHLETA to work in social media, marketing and in stores. And then onto the fitness, where she was a certified personal trainer and class instructor. She thrived here too--loving the freedom of having fun with people and playing a part in building their confidence through classes.  

She shifted from working when she and her husband were trying to get pregnant via IVF. I asked her if that was hard, and per her athlete mentality she said…”I just thought of it as doing what I had to do.” Her first son Finn, now four, arrived relatively easily compared to her second Sully, who SEVERAL IVFs and four challenging years later arrived this past April.  

Raised by a mom who “like Coco Chanel puts effort into her looks” and taught aerobics, and a lawyer dad who I’m sure is awesome too but the pics of mom are in a mink coat sipping champagne, SO….it’s quite clear where Brennan gets IT from. That IT, is whatever she is doing at any point in her life, she’s ALL IN. Fully assured and solid in who she is. And that my friends is super refreshing ...xop

ps. see below for our current dinner party list

  1. Kate McKinnon

  2. Angelina Jolie (we wanted Jen Anniston too, but had to chose)

  3. Florence Welch

  4. Tina Turner

  5. Anthony Bourdain

  6. Jose Andrés

  7. Dave Chappelle

  8. Peter Jennings

  9. Meryl Streep

  10. JFK Jr.

the picks


  • Find a Local Senior Citizen home.  Pre-covid Brennan participated in a Senior Buddy Companion program where she was teamed up with Seniors for visiting hours and games. She mentioned how often the older population is overlooked and forgotten. Many are lonely and don't have any family left. And you wouldn't believe some of the stories they have to tell!


  • ALMOST FAMOUS. (movie/2 hours) Brennan is revisiting some of her favorite movies and recently watched this all time best saying  “it (re)rocked my world… what a great film from start to finish.”


  • The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11. (Book/$10.99) Ha, just when you thought Brennan was all badassery Kate Hudson Fun girl, she hits us with this heavy read. Classic her. This read is tough to get through but worth it. She felt as American (especially a New Yorker) it was important to educate herself  on how we got to 9/11. 


  • "What's Your Pleasure" (Album/1 hour) Brennan has mad music chops. A go to for recos. This album by British artist Jesse Ware should have won all the Grammys in 2020 according to B. It’s pop-disco(ish) meets beautiful + sexy at the same time.


  • Popcorn in a Pickle (Trader Joe’s/$1.99) If you are into pickle flavored food...she loves this delicious dill pickle popcorn that pairs well with ice cold beer. You'll thank her later.


stephanie oshva


djordje stefanovic