djordje stefanovic

se·lec·tive ~ to choose carefully 

DJORDJE STEFANOVIĆ. Pronounced GEORGE-eh. The hardest booking, reluctant to have any attention to himself. And probably the most interesting to share. 

Djordje and his wife Diane are formidable forces in the fashion world. What’s great is I (nor you) would know this because they literally never speak of it and I only know them from their porch on Long Island and many, many gatherings with friends, food and wine.  Djordje has exceptional wine taste. The kind that he curates at any gathering, watching and making sure you are enjoying the RIGHT kind of wine. He once caught me putting an ice cube in a Brunello and it’s a miracle he still speaks to me. Yes, Djordje is sophisticated. Not to be mistaken with snobby or pretentious, because he’s perhaps one of the most laid back (he says lazy), accepting beings I know.  

Oh, and he makes the best linguine vongole (among several other things). But it’s not just his obvious entertainment chops that make him a consummate crowd favorite. It’s his quiet way in the background, observing every detail -  protective + selective of his people, his family, his food, fashion and definitely his wine.  Selective in all he does, while holding a refreshingly strong point of view that challenges you. (read: he does get FIERY + it’s sorta amaze when it happens)

So how’s someone like this exist? Well Djordje is Serbian, born in Belgrade. Candidly much of our interview was spent with me trying to understand the world and turmoil he and his family experienced there. At 5, his family immigrated to Italy, where he remained for his upbringing, in Florence and Milan. His family endured incredible change, uprooting and hardship, yet Djordje simply speaks fondly of his childhood, always being surrounded by love (especially of his mom) and people like a 1st grade teacher who was remarkably inclusive, severe and fair (similar to the man himself).   

Listening to his life makes you want to go back and watch the movie. He describes himself as never strong academically but would skip school to go to museums. A son of a man who was a cultural attache, historian, professor, and founder of children’s book publishing company, Djordje was innately drawn to culture across opera, music, indy films. 

He worked with the Italian fashion luxury fashion house Zegna for 20+ years, starting out in the textile arm, and working his way through and up to be what sounds like the leading special agent for all things Zegna. Running store openings and merchandising globally, being tapped to launch the company's US expansion, and getting called in for every + any high profile fitting. Once in a while if lucky, you get to hear one of these stories, George Bush specifically requesting Djordje at the White House, working with Gianni Versace on fabric selection, Dan Marino having him on a yacht in France, Tom Brady ...well I’ll just say they are in each other’s phones and his dog is named BRADY. 

As in most high profile jobs, it became near impossible for both he and his wife to continue on their respective career trajectories with relocations in Paris, et al. And so Djordje pivoted to raise their kids and support Diane in her career. They remain goals as people. Together they are a humble reckoning of lovely with remarkable integrity and of course exquisite (and even resourceful) taste. 

Yes obviously George-EH is selective in his wine. But it’s his selectiveness across every life facet--- his careful + confident choices. His words, his stories. The only time I’ve seen him get choked up is in talking about his mom, who passed away years ago. I asked him how he would describe her --- he said, loving, nice, pleasant and beautiful in + out. Which is uncannily how most would describe him. Pays off to be selective in life….you just might get a Djordje...and some great wine….xop

 the picks


  • the non glamorous give (time)--  the day I interviewed DJ he was in between returning from peeling garlic at the local farmstand and heading off to help harvest oysters that evening. He believes strongly the most needed gives are the ACTS behind the scenes, the little thing we do to help others. The farm stand low on staff, volunteering on the fundraiser to set up...


  • Promising Young Woman (Movie/Amazon Prime/2hrs) - Recently while at a Djordje + Diane evening - like most nights there - excellent conversation ensued. This one centered around this “black comedy told in pastels” movie.  It’s troubling, thought-provoking, deeply clever, a bit twisted and quite exceptional. Not to mention actress Carey Mulligan makes the entire feature worthwhile. A must see.


  • MIGRATIONS by Milos Tsernianski (book/$6) Back to understanding Djordje's Serbian roots. This historical novel is an all time favorite reading of his. Written by one of the greatest Serbian novelists, it gives the rest of us a deeper understanding of Serbs, their ethnicity and the foundations and complicated history of this nation.


  • Chopin: Nocturnes (album/1hr 30 mins) Care to culture yourselves anyone? Yes, classical music is Djordje's jam. He listens to rap and pop too but is at home listening to his 3000 Classical cd collection (now in his Apply library). He says this album is all time top 3 recordings of Chopin.


  • Summer Red Wine (Southern Italian/$25) obviously I forced a wine reco. And obviously he kept it interesting. Djordje says the Nero d'Avola and Frappato grapes are dry, light and perfect for summer when chilled. This one in particular is from a woman vitner and friend of his.


brennan mccord


jen casey